LEETHA was born with conviction and strong values which we display in four categories. 


- Offering timeless designs with subtle cuts that suits your lifestyle and in time needs.

- Products that are easy to style, from day to night.

- Softness and comfort always

- We also develop capsule collection offering exclusive limited edition styles that suit current trends and what we love.


Since LEETHA was born, we’ve always put quality on top of the list. Our main priority is to always offer the best quality. For us, quality means selecting the best yarns possible and knitting them with the best known savoir faire. One of our main concern is the pleasure you have experiencing the softness of our knitwear and additionally knowing that it will last throughout the years without piling nor loosening up. 


This will allow us to have a direct contact with you, allowing us to offer your better prices throughout the year. We also wanted to shorten our product lifecycle and want our clients to have easy access to our products wherever they may be. You won’t find any sales on our timeless pieces since we sell our products the fair price.  


We want to have a positive impact on everyone we depend on and for those who depend on us. If you’re interested, we invite you to learn more about it here.